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« Our Own Photo Studio Part I | Main | PORTMEIRION, WALES »

June 07, 2006


Don Lindemann

Thanks for sharing your bio at OJI.

I was there 1956 - 1957 and at Chitose 1957 - 1958. Spent a few months at the end of 1958 assigned to a Machine Records Unit at Camp Zama working in Machine Aids. I did take some of the trips you have mentioned. Brings back a lot of memories for me. Did enjoy my stay in Japan


John Cheek

Hi, Earl:

First, I want to say that you have one of the very best personal websites I have visited. Excellent work - Wish I had a portion of your talent.

Enjoyed your military and travel stories. Have your site bookmarked for future vists also.

My time in ASA was a few years before you and I had the dubious honor of spending the last few months of the Korean War in a listening bunker - LLVI in ASA lingo. Two positive things came out of my three years in the ASA.
1) I used the GI Bill to get a degree in Civil Engineering and had a successful career in engineering.
2) Fifty years after my army duty I used that experience as the basis for a novel, STAY SAFE, BUDDY. A synopsis of it is on my website:

Again, great site.

Stay safe, buddy

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