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Member since 05/2006

« PORTMEIRION, WALES | Main | My First Car »

July 16, 2006


Would you know about a project involving your artist friend and a railroad station located in Van Buren Arkansa?

No, I know nothing about that project, but he was from Arkansas and had an interest in railroads, at least in models.

Janet Beaumont Kennedy

Wow, I used to date Jim. I was in NYC 1979-early 80's Janet Beaumont. I have been searching for him. He came to Biloxi, MS back in 1989 and I haven't heard from him since. Lost all the photos in Katrina... Please help me reconnect with him

Kathy Houghton Rodriguez

Hey Janet its Kathy, Jim's sister. Please email me or contact me. I too am trying to find him. [email protected]. Love, Kathy

Kathy Houghton Rodriguez

Dear Earl:

It's Kathy, Jim's sister. I was so happy to see Janet's name that I put my telephone numbers in my comment. I would appreciate it if you could not leave them in when it is posted and only leave my email address. I would also like to hear from you. I have been trying to email you with no luck. Thanks, Kathy

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