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Member since 05/2006


October 17, 2006


Richard H. Upchurch

I googled Famous Photographers School and found your site. I took that course in 1969 and I loved it and it helped me allot. I had the books and assignments until they were damaged by water and then I tossed them, I am sorry I did now. I went on to become a Photographer for The Commonwealth of Kentucky for 30+ yr. and had such a great career. I just thought, after all these years I would see if I could find any info on the sch. and am glad I found several links, I was surprised. I guess it had more merit than I thought. I loved Avedon's fashion photography and knew of the other photographers through mag's. You sound like you had great experiences through life, so far.

Victor Morales

I also took the Famous Photographers School course around 1966. Still I have all the books and some of the assignments with the instructors comments. I have since been a fervent admirer of Richard Avedon and his photography

Ann-Marie Madden Irwin

My mother worked in the photo lab at Famous Photographers School. She had studied photography at a school in New Haven, and pretty much she was the clerk who opened all the student work. But on her lunch hour, she got to use the state of the art dark-room with coaching from the others there.

One summer I went with her just about everyday, I would get picked up by the camp bus. At the end of my camp day I"d spend it in the library there and actually met Mr. Keppler and other 'famous' photographers. I remember them as kind and curious to see a 9 year old girl pouring over the books with glee.

We had all the sets as well, and the other schools' books, the magazine. . .they were lost to a move long ago. I miss them, they were a part of our family culture.

How lucky is that?

Amazing site Thanks, "Mr. Author...".

Jeremy DuBrul

I own the full set of Famous Photographers Course and still find them to be an enjoyable as well as an invaluable resource to me.

I first came across the FPC at a marvelous old shop here in Chicago called Darkroom Aids, which was a real Photographer's Mecca back in the day. And there were the first lessons, bound and almost unused, so I bought it. Was blown away that so many photographers whom I idolized and work I adored were writers, organizers and presenters.

I have since collected the whole series.

Christopher Harris

My father took this course while he was stationed in the Air Force at West Berlin, Germany in the late 1960's. He showed me his course work and through his love of this art, I now am pursuing it as a paying hobby.


I liked this post very much as it has helped me a lot in my research and is quite interesting as well. Thank you for sharing this information with us.

john minnicks

I was 9 and was given the full set along with a 4x5 omega enlarger........ They changed my life.... I later had a photo studio 1985 in norwalk Ct... and down stairs was the warehouse for the famous photographers/artist school. this was a quiet place. full of wonder for me.. wish i could find the images. books.brushes.pads.and well .... that was some fine times and still a wonderfull collection of the times..... brovo..

Rob Young

Did the FPS course in the early '70s in Australia. Still have the books, still making pictures.

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