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« North Camp Drake, Page 3 | Main | Our Own Photo Studio Part VI »

January 06, 2007



Just wanted to quickly let you know I'm enjoying these photos. It gives you an honest glimpse of the era. I've been having to do some of my work from public computers which hampers my work time but I should be making some great progress this month. I've got a ton of writing to unload in my PC! Thanks for the glimpse of the late 50s!

Michael J. Niejadlik

I served in the US Army from 1967 through 1969 and was from 1968 to 1969 was stationed at the 249th General Hospital at what was called Camp Drake and I believe that this location - including the Pentagon was on the site that I was stationed at. Life may have been a little different through the VietNam era but the geographic location and the back gate being near the train station certainly clicked with me. I also recall playing golf at a very nice 18 hole golf course which was almost directly across the street (I think ?) from the main gate to the facility but upon looking up in Google Earth, I do not seem to find any evidence at all of this golf course. I also seem to recall that we had an Armed Forces Radion Station and a friend of mine (AKA John Barton) worked part time as a DJ for the station)... I found no further reference to this radion station either. As I recall, my office was on the 2nd floor of the Pentagon and my job was essentially that of NCO of Admissions and Dispostions of Patients coming into and from the 249th Hospital. I do have a significant number of photographs / slides still in my possession while I was stationed there including remembering Bob Hope doing his Christmas tour at the Camp Drake Movie House... it was a sell-out crowd. If you'd like to see / hear more of my memories, please drop me an email and I'll see what I can come up with. One question that I do have... while you were there... did you remember any type/kind of Plastics Factories in the nearby area ? I have another friend who thinks that there were some large manufacturing facilites nearby but I cannot remember those at all. I can remember the bars scattered just out side the main gate, etc but no factories.

Tom Hawkins

I enjoyed seeing the photos and reading the comments. I was also stationed with the 1967 Communications Squadron at North Camp Drake from early 72 - late 74. While there I lived at Grant Heights and in the patties out the back gate of N. Drake. I enjoyed every minute I was there, but like so many others i didn't recognize it at the time.

Sylvia Peck

My husband was stationed at Camp Drake from 1958 til 1965. We had quarters on Grant Heights. Sgt.Maj.and Mrs. Parkins D. Peck. I am looking for a roster of personal that was attached to the 500th INTC Group. I am trying to locate the soldier that was godfather to our son, Paul Millard Peck,that was born at Tachi. His name was Sgt.(E-6)Wilcox; first name possibly "Robert".If you have a list of personal stationed at Camp Drake from '58 to '65 I would be forever grateful if you could email it to me. [email protected] Sylvia Peck



Michael R Iacovella

Just located your web site, and looked at your photos brought back some great memories.
I was stationed at Drake from July 1966 to July 1968 ASACUJ. I was 72B trick 4 SFC Stinson. Had a great 2 years good and some not good times. If anyone remembers me please email.

Richard (Rick) Harsen

I was stationed at North Camp Drake in Asaka, Japan from 65 to 68.

Do you remember the SGT. that had the black 800 cc Honda Hatchback car?

I was the one that spoke average Japanese because I had lived in Japan from 1956-1960. At that time I lived in both Hiyama and Yokosuka.

I was a 723B and worked in the communications center.

Rick Harsen

thomas c brown

i was in japan from mid 1958 till 01/1960 with the usa signal corp / we were 1st stationed in pershing heights and later transfered to camp drake / we had a seperate building down the road which handled all communications from the us to all of the far east using microwave and teletype - i had a great tour / prices were cheap and facilities were good - ther were 6 of use who went thru basic training in ft carson and on to school at ft monmouth nj and stayed together thru our tour of japsn / i can only remember the name of one of my army buddies (francis kent from pittsburg ) if any one knows of him i would luv to contact/


I was stationed there at Cp Drake in 1953-56. Worked as a den lab tech at the dental clinic.

D.M. Petersen

Sorry, my unit was the 1967th Comm. Group...Was in the 2049th at Clark AFB in the Phillipines from 9/69 to 10/70

Dan Batterberry

I was stationed at North Camp Drake with the 500th INTC GP from 10/63 thru 12/64. Great place!

Casey OBrien

I was stationed at the commo center on bravo trick from Jan. of 68 to Dec. 69. Would love to hear from old friends.

Jim Salkeld

It's always nice to look at these pix and remember the good times I had there during the period April '59 to Dec '60. I was a 342 Trick Chief (SP5-P2) when I left. I often wonder where some of those I worked with are now, these almost fifty years later. Hard to realize that much time has gone by, until I get up in the morning and feel the aches and pains I've accumulated.

joseph martino

i was stationed at camp drake from 1959 till 1960 i worked in the comm center and remember several friend who i would like to see again namely larry wares another man we called dino and bob kahn if anyone can help me i would appreciate it I would also like to see pictures of the town at that time

Denny Kayser

I was stationed at USASACUJ from 12/64 to 3/68. I worked in the Control Room. There was a great bunch of people there and I really enjoyed being in Japan. I remember the Corner Bar with Mama Tosh - the ASA annex.

Frank Virginiak

Denny Kayser. I remember you i posted on this site befor. U were a Tech Controller. I was on Alfa Trick fm July 65 - Jan 69. Anyone other alfa tape apes out there?

Herb Martin

Denny Kayser. i remember you as a Tech Controller. I was on Delta Trick from September 1965 to April 1969. I was on the operations floor. I used to come into Tech Control on my mid-shift to learn a little about your world.

Mitsuko Mickey Nakamura

I'm so much impressed with your lovely photos.
I'm a '65born-Japanese hosewife whose house was just across the street from the North Gate of Camp Drake.
I can still remember American people walking around in my home town, and all of them had smiles on their faces.
Later I happened to live in the U.S. because of my family's business for couple of years which I also Enjoyed.
Thanks very much^^

William J Condor

Stationedd at 541st General Dispensary at Cp Drake from 1952 - 1956, Outstanding pictures you have. Will always remember you guys from North Cp Drake and the Sunday food at the NCO Club. Great teaks, Anyone from the 541st - just inside the gate at Cp Drake let me know. I have a fairly accurate roster of the people who were assigned to the unit, Thanks Bill Codor

Don Williams   aka Willy

I was stationed at Cp Drake from 3/68 to 8/71.
I was a 72B on Bravo trick, Herb Martin was one of our sergeants, If I remember correctly,
he once went on a short TDY to Viet Nam, I also noticed an entry from Casey O'brien, We
shared a lot of good times together.

I went to the Terminal section under SGT Doran, later SGT Mare. I became NCOIC of the
Terminal section until ETS. Would love to hear from the gang.

Herb Martin

Hi Don:
I was a sergeant on Bravo Trick at the time. I was at Camp Drake from September 1965 until April 1969 when I ETS out of the service. Afterward I joined the Air Force Reserves as NCOIC of Communications Operations until my retirement from the military. I am still in contact with some of the guys stationed with us. I don't know if you remember Frank Virginiak or Terry Melton. Have you remained in contact with any of the guys? Hope to hear from you soon.

Harry Knickerbocker

was with 500th 69-71 at Drake. Married an Army Nurse. 41 years this month. Think often of the great people I worked with. They were the best. Still in touch with a couple of people. Would love to get in touch with more of the group. Enjoyed all the information and recollections. Thank you. Brought home by the situation in Japan from the earthquake and flooding.

John J. Reid

was at north camp drake..the pentagon 1953-1954 at the end of the Korean War. Worked in Personnel. second floor. 500 MI Int Group. Cpl. John Joseph Reid, then was from South Boston, Ma.

Alvin G. Byrd

Great Site...brings back old memories. I was stationed at Camp Drake 1959 to 1963. I was a cook at that time assigned to the communications group ( can't remember the name). I had a 1949 Ford convertiable with no top. I won it in a poker game with a $50 bet, later I bought a 1953 Kaiser, one of the first to have an automatic shift. It leaked all the time. I worked as a part time waiter at the NCO club. Any one remember Bob Manning, Luther Parish, ? Parham if you remember me send to [email protected] Al Byrd


My dad took me on my very first movie experience as a 4 year old at the Camp Drake Theater in 1960. We lived at Grant Heights and my dad worked at Tokorozawa Army Depot. We had close family friends, the Goodwins, who lived at South Camp Drake that we'd visit often. The movie was a re-release of "Pinnochio." I had nightmares later about "bad" boys turning into donkeys hahaha... Thanks for the memories Earl! Tom Barry

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