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January 01, 2007


John Jubb

Earl: In building 12 do you recall
the photo processing shop on the 2nd floor? I pulled a 2 week restriction to post for some minor infraction, and filled my time very nicely, enlarging, printing and developing my photos. I don't think many of the guys on post even knew the place existed. Also in the same building at the time, was the company clerk's office on the ground floor. You would remember this company clerk as he was, I believe, the fattest guy on the post. He had gotten him-self in trouble by "breaking his tour of duty in the FE." (He had flown to Hawaii on leave..then
flew on to his home in NYC)
Another notable figure living in building 12 was a person accused of
murdering his wife at their off post apartment. I understand that he was initially cleared of the charge, but the Military Police reopened the case.
Anyway...just jogging your memory.
Do you remember any of this or did I just dream all of this. John J

Noel Garland

Noel Garland here. The man in Bldg 12, was Richard Stovall, from Okalona, Miss. He was on Trick 3 or 4 there in comm center, a young man I knew pretty well. In fact he asked me to accompany him down to his American Lawyers office in downtown Tokyo one day, and told me some interesting things while we rode the train downtown. I met his father one time, when he came to Tokyo to meet with Richard after the CID had begun their investigation. We heard it was his wife's parents who initiated the investigation, but it was strictly hearsay. I never inquired into any details. I did talk to Richard once after 1996 when I learned of his whereabouts. He was a farmer, had 19 grandchildren, but forget how many children he had after getting out of the service, probably 4 if I remember rightly. Later when I called back, his wife told me sometime in 1999 or 2000, that Richard had been killed in an automobile accident there in his home town. I think he was from Jackson, Miss originally, where his father was some kind of influential banker in town. Again only hearsay.

Did you ever have any good luck in getting a reunion of your Camp Drake veterans together? I remember seeing you at our Reno reunion I believe.


Bill Clymer

I went thru Oji Camp ASA HQ April 1957 on way to Korea 301st ASA Btln of 501st Grp. I was Company Clerk of Co. B. Later went to DMZ 1st Platoon.
My high school buddy FRANK PAUL assigned to Oji Camp 1957-1958. I visited him on R&R Nov 1957

Denise Lindheim 9 daughter of Dominic Grace)

I am the daughter of Corporal E-4 Dominic J. Grace. He was an army security agent in communications. We are also researching information regarding his assingment at Oji from 1955 to 1957. He played baseball rightfield. He was known as Ace Grace. We have some pictures that will try to get from our father.
Thank you for putting this website together. Dr. Denise Grace Lindheim


I just made an art sale purchase of a silver tray with the inscription: "Sayonara, Honorary President, Camp Drake Are Officers Wives Club, June 1959."

I had no idea of where or why....but then did a google search, and found sites for a military base in Japan. I suppose that Americans were preparing for the Korean war.

Earl Steinbicker

Hello Frank,
Camp Drake in 1959 (when I was there)was fortunately between wars, the Korean War was over years before then, and Vietnam off in the future. Our section was mostly intelligence units, signal and the like. It was very peaceful, and downtown Tokyo only a short hop away. As a former lowly enlisted man I cannot comment on the "Officers Wives Club," but it must have been a pretty dull place.

Ron Kersh

RE: Noel Garland's remarks about Richard Stovall.

I didn't know Richard but I did know his beautiful wife, Suzanne Reed, of our hometown of Biloxi, Mississippi. After taking Suzanne's remains back to the US, Richard was under the suspicion of murder and restricted to Camp Drake. About a year later the murder charges were dropped and Richard was returned to the US for discharge.

Ron Kersh, ASA
Camp Fuchinobe 1956-58

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