Does anyone remember the ASA Star? I don't, but this post newspaper of ASAPAC at Oji may have ceased publication before I got there — or else I was oblivious to it, being stuck in a far corner of the camp. Anyway, Noel Garland of Texas sent me some copies of two editions, both from 1956. Here are excerpts from them, more to follow. Enlarging the images will make them much clearer.
This edition of March 3, 1956 has a story about the Personnel Processing Detachment, of which I became the Assistant Detachment Clerk upon arrival in Japan in July, 1957. The two photos on the left of the above image are of the place, headed by Lt. William Russell. This is the man who arranged for me to stay in Tokyo instead of the place I was assigned to, Korea. By that time he was a Captain, and was soon replaced by Lt. Edwin Hutchins. Click here to read all about it.
The story continues in the text above. We of the cadre had our own room across from the Orderly Room, and our own bathroom, but it was still crowded. That's the post motor pool behind the men in formation in the above photo.
ANYWAY, here's some more for that trip down Memory Lane. Enlarging the pages will make them much more readable. OR, download desired pages (each page is a separate JPEG file) into any picture editor program and blow them up there.
More later. If you yhave anything to add, please contact me through the Comments thingy below.
More photos and anecdotes are coming in from guys who were there — CLICK HERE to view page 6.
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SO, just what Little Adventure am I up to now in 2013? Why, just the most challenging one of them all! CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT.